When working with Svadhishthana, I never expected any blocks to the creative process. While I had already decided to allow the goddesses to speak to me how they would like to be expressed, I must admit there are a few personal touches to the drawings and paintings. I had an idea of how I wanted to cloth her and while I was finalizing the drawing I had this nagging feeling and an image of this particular outfit that would not let me go. I was determined to stick to what I already had in mind yet this was persistent message was telling me what to do refusing anything less. It was time for a break from the drawing to give me some space while to decide on what to do – stay with what I already had or follow this message.
I reconnected with the intention of the series and followed the message (a little reluctantly) and the feelings went away. She was happy with how this was expressed and I was able to move forward. Since this chakra is tied with the Cancer sign, the water element was used as the background and the astrological sign influence the jewelry pieces that decorated her head and leg.
Here’s some quick fun facts: The Sacral Chakra goddess is about sensuality, sexuality, creativity, pleasure and emotions. The chakra color is orange and it is tied to the astrological sign Cancer.
Painting Process:
© Divinity Chan – Svadhishthana – Sacral Chakra Goddess
Transferred the pencil drawing onto the 18″x36″ canvas filling in the gaps I have missed in the original sketch.
© Divinity Chan – Sacral chakra goddess work in progress
Normally when I paint, the entire canvas is painted yellow to start. Why yellow? I don’t know, it is a personal preference. Have tried other colors like reds and blues but it never felt right so decided that yellow is the one. The water area was painted yellow to give the top layers a nice warm effect.
© Divinity Chan – Sacral chakra goddess work in progress
Green is painted on top of the yellow with the intention of adding blue to form the watery background to reflect the watery element. Orange paint is added to her outfit to reflect the signature color of the chakra. Must admit I am not crazy about this particular shade of orange and made a decision to add a more vibrant share later in the painting process.
Sacral chakra goddess work in progress
The orange is now more vibrant and now… what hair color would suit her? I originally had a intuitive hit that she would be a dark haired goddess but wanted to play with it and see. In some ways I am testing and challenging my intuition but hey I am game to play for a bit. Got nothing to lose except a few minutes and some paint.
Sacral chakra goddess work in progress
Well the blonde doesn’t feel quite right so I tried on a reddish brown hair color. Hmmm… may not. I couldn’t decide right away so let it sit while I start on the blue paint over the green for the watery background.
Sacral chakra goddess work in progress
Great! Blue background covered and now feeling into this goddess even more. Reddish brown didn’t work and decided on a blue black hair color. What do you think? Blond, reddish brown or the blue black hair color for her?
© Divinity Chan – Sacral chakra goddess work in progress
Lines for visual texture to the blue background to help create a watery effect as you can see in the picture. Now I’ve done some work on her face and painted blue lines in her hair to give it some dimensions.
Tweaking the blue water background some more. Added some white and iridescent bubbles. Silver metallic paint for her head piece and leg jewellery. To finish the piece the orange chakra painted below her navel.
Hello and welcome Svadhishthana.
Svadhishthana Sacral Chakra Goddess
18″x36″ Acrylic on canvas, painted sides no frame needed
© Divinity Chan
Embrace the energy and healing from this beautiful goddess as she helps brings out sensuality, sexuality, freedom from guilt, pleasure, sensation and creativity.
To buy prints, greeting cards and home decor products click here.
To purchase the original of sacral chakra goddess click here to send your request to Divinity.