Had decided to complete the pencil drawings of all the goddesses before painting any of them to get an idea of what the series would look. I wanted to start from the bottom and work my way up following the flow of the energy, but I couldn’t start with the root chakra goddess. The original drawing of her didn’t feel like it would embody the strength and power this root chakra stood for. Decided to let this one sit on the back burner and move forward with the next goddess. This is my creative process. When I am uncertain or simply stuck, I give it space to allow time to come up with a better idea.
While I was painting the other chakra goddesses, I was inspired to draw another version of root chakra goddess. The original drawing was passive and I wanted her to have strength. So I created the second one where she was in a strong body stance carrying a sword and shield ready for battle.
Muladhara Root Chakra Goddess Sketch 1 © Divinity Chan
In the end I decided to have her embrace her warrior energy so she could fulfill the chakra’s objective of survival pattern, generational patterns, money, food and health issues and grounding. I let go of the protective gear to follow the theme of the series. What do you think? Did I make the right choice in choosing the second drawing? Post your comments below.
Since I tend to be the ‘last minute’ kind of artist, she was completed by noon of November 21, 2015 – the first day of my first solo show displaying this series.
Muladhara Root Chakra Goddess
Color: Red
Element: Earth
Objective: survival pattern, generational patterns, money, food and health issues and grounding
Drawing 1
Second pencil sketch of the root chakra goddess.
Muladhara Root Chakra Goddess © Divinity Chan
Painting 1
After drawing Muladhara onto the 18″x36″ canvas, I started painting her red chakra colored warrior outfit and her skin.
Painting 2
Added shadows and highlights to her outfit for dimension. Painted a golden yellow color for her armor. I’ve felt she would be a brunette, but decided to add some reddish brown tones to give her some fire energy in her hair. What do you think?
Painting 3
More detail work on her skin and face. Started working on the coin belt around her hips representing money for this chakra.
Painting 4
Here’s a close up on the coin belt, which is connected to a piece where the root chakra symbol will be painted there. Thought it would be a cool idea to have the chakra symbol as part of her warrior outfit rather than on her body as seen with the rest of the goddesses in the series.
Painting 5
She has turned out nicely. Her outfit is almost done now that the root chakra symbol is in place.
Painting 6
Here’s a close up on the root chakra painting. Embellished it with some gold lines making it ornate.
Painting 7
One of the fun jobs as an artist is playing ‘make up artist’ where I get to beautify the goddesses. Turned the canvas upside down so I can work on her face without needing to stretch my body over this long canvas since I paint on a studio table. I haven’t worked on an easel for a long time and have been accustomed to painting horizontal.
Painting 8
Wow, here she is in her strong warrior stance grounded and ready to go. She is complete and now just a matter of completing the background. Hmm… what to do?
Painting 9
Of course let’s bring in the yellow! Since this chakra’s element is earth I decided to paint with green rather than brown. I’ve done some online research before painting this green to see what images and colors come up with typed in ‘earth’. Well the results showed on my computer leaves, tress, the planet Earth, etc.… Besides this color will bring out the vibrancy in the red making it stand out when the painting is seen afar.
Painting 10
Really wanted to add something more to the background as it needed something. So decided to paint leaves to represent the element earth as rich, vibrant and lush. What do you think?
And just in time to be completed for the my first solo show – November 21, 2015.
Muladhara Root Chakra Goddess
18″x36″ Acrylic on canvas, painted sides no frame needed
© Divinity Chan
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