Finalizing the pencil sketch was pretty easy, but the painting was a challenge. Little did I know in the process, I needed to open my heart to see her beauty and let in the love I’ve been craving on a personal level.
This heart chakra is influenced by the Libra astrological sign so I used the idea of balancing scale as her head piece. The most challenging part after Anahata was done is figuring how to incorporate the element of air. Svadhishthana – Sacral Chakra Goddess has a water background and Manipura Solar Plexus Chakra Goddess with her fire. It wasn’t until I sat with it for a while and tapped into my intuition to get a sense and feeling of what air would look like. You get to see below of how it all unfolded.
We are starting to move away from the earth plane and into the ethereal environment. As we move up the chakra ladder, something I never realized until later was each goddess ended dressed in robe like garments unlike the previous ones.
Here some some quick facts about this chakra:
Position: Fourth Chakra
Color: Green
Element: Air
Objective: heart, compassion, love, emotional zone, self-acceptance, masculine/feminine of self and forgiveness
Anahata Heart Chakra Goddess Pencil Sketch
Transfer the pencil image onto white canvas 18″x36″. Finished up with other details I left out in the original sketch.
Painted the background yellow as it’s my favorite color to start with and great for layering colors on top as I start building.
I had already made a batch of skin tone paint and when applied I soon discovered it was too pink. The green color in the robe was bringing this quality out. So I mixed in a lot of yellow and yellow ochre to balance this. A lot more than I had expected.
Hmmm…. the color green is on the dark side. Not sure if I like this tone.
Ah yes, the flowy blond hair. Start with a base as I had planned on layering various yellow/brown tones/colors to create dimensions and depth.
Decided to lighten up the green which means remixing the color and repainting. *Sigh* I seem to forget that colors in acrylic paint dries a few shades darker which means I need to mix slightly lighter tones.
Finished up on adding shading on the robe and start forming Anahata’s face.
Spending more time on the hair adding more colors for depth. Not crazy about the face as I had painted her eyes wide and in some ways looked masculine.
Why the white patches? Wanted to reshape the way the hair will flow. So it’s like Liquid paper or White out
More details to the hair adding more reddish brown strokes to darken the yellow. Didn’t realize how much time it took to paint and form her hair.
Shading to the skin and more definition to her face. I think it is starting to look good as we are finally getting out of what I call the “teenage phase”.
Added the Libra inspired headpiece of the balancing scales.
Finalized details on the headpiece which means I am almost DONE! Heart chakra in the center of her chest. This took some time fudging as the original size of the chakra seemed to small so I make it bigger which meant I need to make her yellow round neckline bigger to accommodate this. All part of the creative process.
Complete and now all it needs is the final background. What to do about the painting air? I painted lines to the background to depict movement of air like a pinwheel. Subtle and serves it’s purpose. Yes?
Hello and welcome Anahata to share and inspire love and compassion!
Anahata, Heart Chakra Goddess
18″x36″ Acrylic on canvas
unframed, sides painted for attractive hanging
© Divinity Chan
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