Ajna Third Eye Chakra Goddess ©Divinity Chan
Personally I wasn’t crazy about the color combinations that came to me because I don’t think they work. So after I painted one color and confirmed to myself that this was it, I got this nagging feeling that just wouldn’t go away. It was a feeling that kept at me until I made the change. This energy was like a nagging friend. When I finally let go of my own personal reservations and honored what Ajna wanted, the nagging feelings went away. What a relief!
Drawing was interesting. I would have never thought to draw her hair in a way that embraced the 3rd eye chakra on the forehead. After the painting was completed my friend noticed the hair was a shape of a heart. The indigo streaked hair looked like it was a fountain that flowed the indigo chakra love.
To incorporate the elements of the astrological signs I placed the Sagittarius in the earrings and Aquarius flow of water on her sleeves and neckline.
I must admit working with Ajna has been a great exercise in listening and tuning into the messages. How many of us are able to hear our own inner guidance? Even as a tool to guide us to the next steps we need to take in life especially in troubled times? How do you listen to your intuition? In what forms do your messages come? Whisper? Signs? A feeling? Pull? Tug? Post your comments below I would love to hear them.
Ajna Third Eye Goddess
Color: Indigo
Element: Light
Objective: intuition and psychic talents, self reflection, visualization, discernment, and trust of your own intuition
Drawing 1
Here’s the original pencil sketch of Ajna.
Sketch of Ajna ©Divinity Chan
Painting 1
The 18″x36″ canvas was first painted with yellow followed by the quick sketch of the third eye chakra goddess. My first challenge with her was the color of this chakra. According to sources it can be indigo or purple so I decided to go towards a purple-indigo for her robe like outfit.
Painting 2
This stage is what I call the teenage phase where it’s looking like something but not quite there yet. Here is she in her purple-indigo outfit. Started on her skin – face, arms and hands.
Painting 3
After I finished painting her outfit I wasn’t sure about the color and it was really nagging me. You know when you thought this was going to be all right but it turns out it’s not. Sadly the nagging thoughts kept on so decided to make it indigo by applying some blue to see if that would work. Also experimented with the background as I had yet to decide on what I wanted to do. Let’s play. Hmmm.. not sure about the black yet. More to think about
Painting 4
Okay, the colors for her robe didn’t work. White paint to cover it all to start over again. One of those things where one tries and sometimes it works and other times it doesn’t.
Painting 5
Great! Now the indigo color of the chakra is in place and the nagging feeling is gone. Yay! Let’s move forward. White trim on her Aquarius inspired sleeves.
Painting 6
Here we go again… not crazy about the black background so bring on the good ol’ white paint to use as my liquid paper. Here I’ve added ivory white as the original white was too stark against the indigo outfit.
Painting 7
Now her hair. I had sensed something pink for Ajna but wasn’t sure of what kind of pink would work for her. So here I’ve painted a reddish pink and somehow I am feeling she does not like this. What do you think?
Painting 8
Hmm… another attempt at her hair and doing indigo colored streaks, but still not feeling it and the nagging thoughts have come back. Damn! Have a feeling I know what color she wants and I am totally resisting as it’s not a color I am crazy about. I let this simmer on the back burner and started working on her face upside down. I move my canvas quite a bit so sometimes you will see pictures of me working from different angles.
Painting 9
Okay I’ve decided to give in to the color she wants and here it is… light bubble gum pink with indigo blue streaks. She’s happy and even though I am not crazy about this I’m glad to have the uneasy feelings go away. This is coming together nicely.
Painting 10
My job as the make up artist for the third eye chakra goddess is complete. She’s all dolled up!
Painting 11
Golden yellow color for her sleeves, indigo color for her nails, and some yellow highlights on her hair.
Painting 12
The chakra symbol pronounced ‘om’ is now painted on her forehead. Started on the Sagittarius inspired earrings. Hmmm… what to do for the background?
Hello and welcome…..
Ajna Third Eye Goddess
18″x36″ Acrylic on canvas, painted sides no frame needed
© Divinity Chan
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To purchase original Ajna click here to send your request to Divinity.